The Booru it came from
The Date this post was created at
All the data given by the booru @private
The direct link to the file
The height of the file
The id of this post
The height of the smallest image (if available)
The url to the smallest image (if available)
The width of the smallest image (if available)
The rating of the image, as just the first letter (s/q/e/u) => safe/questionable/explicit/unrated
The height of the medium-sized image (if available)
The url to the medium-sized image (if available)
The width of the medium-sized image (if available)
The score of this post
The source of this post, if available
The tags of this post
The width of the file
Get some common props on the image
The direct link to the file
It's prefered to use `.fileUrl` instead because camelCase
Get the post view (url to the post) of this image
The height of the smallest image (if available)
It's prefered to use `.previewHeight` instead because camelCase
The url to the smallest image (if available)
It's prefered to use `.previewUrl` instead because camelCase
The width of the smallest image (if available)
It's prefered to use `.previewWidth` instead because camelCase
The height of the medium-sized image (if available)
It's prefered to use `.sampleHeight` instead because camelCase
The url to the medium-sized image (if available)
It's prefered to use `.sampleUrl` instead because camelCase
The width of the medium-sized image (if available)
It's prefered to use `.sampleWidth` instead because camelCase
Generated using TypeDoc
An image from a booru with a few common props
Post { fileUrl: '', id: '124125', tags: ['cat', 'cute'], score: 5, source: '', rating: 's' }